Bilingual education
has become a huge controversy in the public school systems, all over the United States, and has been a subject of national debate
since the 1960’s. The bilingual education programs have been geared to
ensure students a good education in their native languages, so that they do not fall behind academically. This program is geared to teach English as a Second Language until students can be transitioned into an
all-English class setting. However, this has become controversial because some
critics feel that the bilingual program is not effective, while others feel it is an effective program.
Bilingual Education: Does it Work? or Does it Not Work?
Some people agrees, and others do not.
The advantages of
Bilingual Education programs are to provide limited English students with both the knowledge and literacy to help the students’
transition into our society and transition into an English class setting.
It also provides
students to receive the content material in their native languages in order to help them keep up academically and work on
their English proficiency. Students need to fully understand the concepts taught
in their native languge, in order to stay on task and at grade level..
Bilingual Education
also helps a student’s self-esteem and the ability not to hinder their feelings about his or her culture. It also promotes biculturalism; the students need to understand the value of their culture and language. They should not have to feel inferior, or different about whom they are. It also provides the ability to learn another culture, other than their own.
Another advantage
is the preperation it gives a child, with no English background, the ability to obtain a good job and suceed in life. Learning English is a tool to be sucessful in the United States.
The disadvantages
of Bilingual Education are the ineffectiveness of the program. Students are developing
a dependency on their native language, which keeps them from learning and having proficiency in the English language.
In the classroom
the teachers are giving lessons in the native language, therefore it is hindering them and taking them longer to learn and
be proficient in the English language. Also they are not being prepared
to be mainstream into an English classroom.
Some critics argue
that bilingual education slows the learning process of English and the assimilation into our American society.
It also isolates
the students from the rest of the school and segregating them, which in the Civils Rights Act of 1964, indicates that this
should not be done. Another disadvantage is the fact that these students are
often isolated from the rest of the school, which can cause discrimination.
Personal Interview with a Bilingual Teacher
I interviewed Mrs.
Gomez, a Bilingual Teacher, on March 10, 2005. She states that Bilingual Education does work, and she supports
the program.
How do you feel about
bilingual education?
“I feel that
it works and without it, these non-English speaking students would not survive in America. They need to slowly be transitioned into our American society.”
How long is the program?
“The bilingual
education program is a mandatory 3 years. However, depending on each individual
student-it can be extended.”
How do you determined
if a child qualifies for the bilingual education program?
“A child who
comes from another country is tested in English, and this will determine if a child does not fully speak or comprehend the
English language.” “Once they are placed in the program they are tested annually with a Language Proficiency
Test, this will determine if there is an increase in the English language.”
How does a student
exit out of the bilingual education program?
“After the
mandatory 3 years, a child has to take the IOWA test, and must have a score
of 34 or above.” “If they score 34 or above they are mainstreamed into the English class setting.” “However, if they score 33 or below, the bilingual program can be extended,
depending on the child, 1-2 years more.”
“Another way
a child can be exit out of the program, is if the parents refuse the bilingual program. They have to put the request in writing,
and the program will discontinue, even if the child does not fully speak or comprehend the English language.”
If you had an opportunity
to change the bilingual education program, how and what would you do?
“First of all,
I would have more funds dedicated to the program. Because the lack of funds,
the children suffer. There is no teacher preparation or materials to help the
students. Further more, the lack of qualify bilingual teachers in the school
system does not help.”
“Also, I would
not allow a split bilingual classroom, it is very difficult to teach multiple grade levels, as it is, and to have non-English
students only makes it worse.” “That would be a top priority on my
Mrs. Gomez states,
“Over all, the bilingual program does work, and I support it fully.” “However,
because of the lack of funds, we are having a difficult time servicing the students.”
“The lack of qualify teachers and the room to place these teachers, have caused the program not to succeed to
its full potential.” “Also, because of the lack of space, we have to create bilingual, split-level classrooms,
which make it even more difficult.” “If the state and the school
board help change these problems, than perhaps the bilingual education program will have a better reputation, and chance to